25th church anniversary poems

Here are the 25th church anniversary poems for the church occasion.

Christian poem to say thank you the Lord for guiding the church so far and thank you poem that encourages and uplifts with words to say thanks,word to say thank you and words say thank you.

This poem is meant to praise the church because it is the bride for Jesus.

Thank you for your love

Thank you for your love
Thank you for being there for me
You love for me is great

I thank you for what you do to me
Thanks for their care
You are kind to me
thanks a lot

You are always in my heart
thank you because of who you are
thanks for the gifts
thanks for the touch

Sorry for what happened

I want to say sorry

for what happened to you

We are praying for you always

you are always in our prayers

take heart my heart

everything shall be ok

be blessed always

Has someone ever said thank you to what you did to him or her. how did you feel from the heart. It is human nature to feel great and appreciated when someone says thank you.

Saying thank is a sign that you appreciate what is being done to you and you have gratitude that life is good.

what about putting those words into a poem and send it to someone. It will be great and nice to to that.

Get the ways in which you can write and compose good poems to say thank you.

Resources where you can find good poems to say thank you

Here is a great book that you will love to have.For the first time here are all of Maya Angelou's published poems.

Get the poems and dedicate them to your loved ones to show them how much you care and love them.

Tell them thank you for being there for me.

25th church anniversary poems

Today marks 25th year since the inception of our church

The church that was laid the foundation,

By the Lord himself,

This is His body,

We thank God for leading us this far,

His mercies is upon us,


As remember the goodness of the Lord today,

We want to rejoice together,

Our hearts are full of joy

We know that the Lord is leading us

He will take us into greater heights


Brethren, what a joy

In our church today,

Young and old

We full depend on the Lord

For the grace is sufficient,

We know He shall always be with us.


Other poem to say thank you

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