Church pastor guide written by a church pastor to guide for church occasions

Church pastor guide is a guide written by a church pastor of many years of experience in church occasions and celebrations.

Access over 500 written letters for various church celebrations in the church calendar that are spread through the year

Some of the church celebrations in the church calendar that you will find letters ready are Easter period, Thanksgiving time, Handing over period, Birthday celebrations,Christmas celebrations,Pastor Appreciation Month,New year events and church anniversaries events, Mother's day celebrations,Father's day celebrations in church.

we also prepare church themes and speeches templates for various occasions in church.

Our downloads are ready to be used in an occasion that you have in the church soon.

Some of the famous and well celebrated occasions in church are: Pastor appreciation, Church anniversary, Pastor anniversary,Christmas,Easter and many more

We keep writing and placing the materials in one stop so that you can have an easy time in finding the best that you are looking for.

In whatever occasion that you want to celebrate or have been called to participate. You don't have to worry, we shall work with you and if you don't find the material according to your theme then you can contact us and we will help you to produce it.

We work round the clock to make sure your occasion in church is a success.

We are here to partner with you as we move forward.

Our site is very unique unlike others who charge you a monthly fee for us here we only charge you a one time access fee of only $9.75 and you will have all the materials at your finger tips to have a look.

The small fee we are charging is only for maintaining the site and help us run it smoothly.

You don't have to worry of anything, we are here to help you get any material you are looking.

If you want to access the materials right now, just pay only $9.75 to help you access 500 materials for an occasion and choose the one you want.

Click the PayPal button below here and you will receive the resource download page instantly

Easter period occasion

This is one of the important occasion in the church calendar that happens between March and April of every year.

As your partner in this occasion, we have prepared letters that can help you get ready for the occasion, including speeches, letters to send to church members and many more.

The materials can be downloaded from our site at a lower cost so that we can save time.

Pastor appreciation month

Every year during the month of October is pastor appreciation month and as a church you need to prepare for the occasion.

We are partnering and walking with you in this journey as you mark this important event in the church calendar.

We have prepared downloads to help you get ready for the church event, we have themes, speeches and letters that you can send during that day in church.

Church thanksgiving and harvest session

The month of November of each year is believed to be a month of being grateful to our creator, Christian around churches come together to thank God and bring a long the harvest that has passed through their hands, find themes, letters and speeches for the occasion right here in our pages.

Christmas celebrations and occasion

Every year, during the month of December, Christians around the globe celebrate the Christmas festivities as a time when Jesus was born, as your partner in this journey, your will find ready to use materials in our pages here that you can download.

New Year Event

The 1st day of January of each year is a day we welcome a new year and would want to wish each other a prosperous period.

As your partner in the church, we have made materials that you can use to to wish each other happy year including letters, wonderful quotes and many more.

Church anniversaries

Various churches and ministries hold anniversary celebration to mark a period of service to humanity, as a partner in this church, we have materials that can help you get ready for the occasion.

Some of the materials you can download from our pages are speeches, letters and many more.

Since inception we have worked with church leaders like you from around the world to get ready for any church occasion that can happen in the church.

We have prepared timely materials to help you in time of need and also we have kept adding different themes to fit in an occasion.

No matter in the occasion in church we have a material for you. Even if you don't find one we shall prepare a customized one according to your specifications.

We are here to reduce your agony on what you are going to say during the occasion as well as save you time, so that you can use it to do your precious things in your life.


In this section, we are going to cover our initial bases.

You're going to learn a survey concerning occasional church materials. We will provide you with sample materials that cover every section of an occasion in church.


Discover unique approaches and guidelines that you can use to prepare and present an occasion in church.

All of us have natural fear that comes when you are asked to present before people or a congregation in church.

Church pastor guide is a unique program that guides you steps by steps to be able to prepare for an occasion in church.

Find every sample you need to guide and every material that is ready to be downloaded.

You only need to relax and we shall deliver.

Why strain while we are here....

Plan with us and you will never regret.

Where do you begin...

We have given samples all over the place within this site..

Download the material you need and modify slightly to fit your unique situation and there you are.

If the material you need is not available don't hesitate to contact us immediately and we shall deliver.

Our work is to deliver what you need.

We have what it take to get ready.....


We are here for you, find the modifiable church letters and welcome speech templates for all  occasions in  church and we keep updating more templates

We guide and help you from the beginning to the end when you need help to prepare for the occasion in church such as church anniversary occasion, church appreciation,Celebration events such as Easter holidays etc.

Our mission is to make every Church member of the Christian community anywhere ready for an occasion in their church in the world 

We provide inreach/outreach products and services that can help church members share their unique culture to each other as they show the world the love of God

We walk with you,step by step to the end

At Church Pastor Guide we have a church resource with over 500 occasional speeches,church letters and many more for first time speakers,writers etc.

Being asked to give a church speech can be a daunting task if you have never attempted before or if it is your first time.

Not only you don't know how to begin and leave a lone expressing yourself before a church congregation or group of worshipers.

You'll also need to overcome the fear of speaking before people,if you have never done it before!

But never fear ....I'm hear to help you!

Look at some of the questions asked by other church members like you which led to this resource center......

"I want you to help me write a speech that I can use as the youth President in my local Church because we are having a youth week and the church said that I must speak"-Afuwape Adekunle,from Nigeria

From Leonila Suatengco Tate,Theodore,Alabama

.......I was asked by my Pastor's wife to do the welcome speech for the church on Mens and Womens day,this is my first,i need help

My name is Agnes and I'm the Chair lady in one of our church ministries. First time being a chair lady and first time to deliver a speech. The occasion is to welcome guests to our dinner function in conjunction with our women's league 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary.
I'm getting so nervous as the day draws closer. Appreciate if you can help me.
Thank you & God bless.


Can you please assist me with a occasion speech for our church
homecoming?Its my first time presenting a occasion speech. I normally do the
welcome speech,

vivian miller(United States)

I need help with a welcome/occasion for a women's day. I
would appreciate your help with this matter.  Thank you.


I need a welcome for men day program

~Anita(United States)

This is the reason we exist and you don't need to worry any more. You can find us anytime,anywhere you need us.

If this is your first time you have been asked or tasked to prepare and give a speech in church.

I'm going to help you.

You know the toughest thing in writing church occasion speeches?Knowing where to begin.

There is not shortage of great writing advice out there, you will find lots of it. What you can't find is the great advice and at the same time great examples to show you how to write and deliver an occasion church speech.

That's where church pastor guide Help comes:

We absolutely make it easy to understand. We have assumed that you don't have prior knowledge on writing any occasion church speech and this is your first time to do that.

It's a step by step. Writing any church occasion speech is not a complex exercise but a step by step process that can be taught and be followed.We have made it easier here,that you will get free samples that can guide and help you as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

I have designed this website to be your "to go" resource which will help you from the beginning to the end, just look at it as your guide.

Church Pastor Guide is dedicated to providing church members who is their first time to deliver a speech with an easy way of getting a ready to use speech as well as step by step in writing a speech from the scratch.

Note: There is also a guide that you can download and get detailed step by step guidance on how to write and deliver a great speech during an occasion in the church. You can download it here, it only cost you 27.95 dollars but will save you a lot.

You can also contact us and we help you to write a speech,just follow this link and you give us your details and information.

There rest of the site now is full of sample speech,fee free to go through it now.

We also have another site dedicated for prayers only

We know that maybe you might be having the same case and you need help.

That is what made us to have this Ministry, Church pastor guide a ministry of help, We are here for you and others like you because it is their first time to give a speech in church and don't know how to go about it and even don't have a sample.

Together now we can.

We welcome you to our pages where we address the need that is affecting majority in the world who want a site that shows them how to address and give a speech in church during any occasion together with free samples.

We have given you quick examples to help you at this hour and which can also guide and inspire you to write a speech too.

If you don't have time, you can contact us by filling the form below so that we can help you to write one for the occasion in the church.

Here is the church pastor guide form to contact us.

If you still have time and want to pick just a sample speech for the occasion and use it then we have several examples across this site and they will be of great help.

How much time do you spend worrying  on what to say before a congregation? when invited to introduce a guest or provide a closing remark in the church.

Many people do because of phobia and this is in anyone even to the accomplished speakers in the world.

But you can find solace in a written speech that you can customize to fit the occasion.

Church Pastor guide is coming to you to help minimize worrying and also save you time that you need to do other things that are important in your life.

Making people who are congregating to feel at home and part and parcel of you is not easy.

But with our guidance and the modified messages you will get here. You are sure that church members and guests are going to be warmed towards the service and more so make them want to come regularly because your church will be unique.

There is a special page full of downloads that fits your church. It is an exclusive page which is not meant for everyone.

In this page you will find modified welcome and other ready to use materials for your church.

As you already know,our work is to make everything easier for you and save that precious time you need to do other things.

Producing this materials for the churches is our work and we keep on updating the page with the latest materials for the church.

Save the page for your own use.

The page is here :

what makes different?


The secret to giving a great speech or welcome address in the church lies in finding a speech that moves church members and visitors who have come to grace the occasion into tears.

Do you understand what this entire means?

You want the event to be remembered well by everybody in the years coming before the next anniversary or occasion.


Most people are bewildered where to start and where to find the welcome speech or address that they need.

Worry any longer because it is possible now to get what you want within seconds.

We are working round the clock to make sure we bring to you the up to date speeches, poems, reading and address for an occasion in the church.

Whether it is an appreciation or anniversary you have in the church.

We avail all that you need.

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