Children thank you note to pastor

Looking for children thank you note to pastor to help you a time like this when you are preparing for the occasion in church

Below you will find samples that you have a look at. If you want customized one, we are ready to help you write one as long as you send us the information.

What we are giving me below here is too general and is supposed to serve as examples for you and the rest of the church members from all over.

We are grateful for visiting our site for the samples and are ready to always serve you.

Here we go, let us look at the samples for the children to thank their pastor.

children thank you note to pastor

Hello My Pastor, It is junior here, am writing this thank you note from the bottom of my heart to thank you for being my pastor, thank you for what you have done to us in church, I really admire the way you pray for mummy and Daddy, last time I had you mentioning all the children where I belong, thank you pastor, when I grow up want to be a pastor like and do the work you are doing, God bless you pastor.


Pastor Iack words to express myself, I was really touched recently when you visited my Dad in the hospital, seeing you holding my dad by your hands and praying for him really moved me, I just want to thank you because my dad is well now and last evening he bought me a dress, I had really missed presents from my dad, thank you pastor for praying for my dad and may God bless you for the work you are doing of praying for people. Thank you very much.


During my Sunday school class, our teacher told us to enumerate and be like you, am writing this thank you note to tell you that you are my role model, I want to always look up to you, the way you preach and pray for us in church, I want to ask you pastor to keep praying for me so that I can keep walking in the way that will make me be a pastor like you, I thank you for your prayers and God bless you for praying for children like us, thank you and God bless you

children thank you note to pastor

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