choir themes with scriptures

Here is the choir themes with scriptures that you can download so they can help you in the upcoming choir event that you are going to have in church, we have prepared the themes below here.

10 great themes to choose from so that you can be ready for the occasion. All the themes are in 3 pages and in PDF downloadable pages.

Themes for church choir anniversary

The scriptural themes for church choir anniversary that is bible based...

Thank you for visiting our page for great samples of themes to help you during the occasion in the church.

We have derived the themes based on the bible

We have prepared


10 Great  choir themes with scriptures that you can download from our pages below here for only $5.99

choir themes with scriptures

During the events that brings choirs together to sing for the Lord , the themes we have prepared above will help and give what is required for the day. The themes are well selected and you will have the best for the day for the ones we have given above.

choir themes with scriptures



This theme picked it from the songs of David that were put together in the Psalms.

Most of the songs of David were composed from experience and they show the relationship he had with the maker our God.

During this choir day, let the choirs who are going to come and glorify the Lord through songs remember the essence of singing.

Songs is one way to worship the Lord, therefore it needs a  lot of reverence from the choirs.

Let this theme be an appealing during this day

Thank you Lord for the day.

choir themes with scriptures

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