church anniversary sermons

Looking for church anniversary sermons? Here are the sample sermons for the event in the church as you welcome.

Thank you for visiting our page for a sermon to help you during the church occasion.

church anniversary sermons

Church anniversary is a special occasion in the church that needs thorough preparation.

We are here to partner with you and make it a success.

Meanwhile if you need Church anniversary speeches, You can visit the page too.

The sample sermons below are meant to save time and have something ready to use that can guide one what you are supposed to do.

This is a pastor sermon and at the same time a prayer. It is so powerful that when you read it you shed tears.

This can only happen to a believer and the moment we believe in Jesus Christ. The same power that raised Him from the death dwells in us.

That is how power the words and remember Jesus said that the words that He spoke are life and spirit (John 6:63)

Therefore as you share the message with the congregation remember that the Holy spirit is therefore for you and will always guide you unto the truth.

It is my sincere prayer that the whole congregation repent and decide to follow the word of God and act according to what it is say because that is faith in action.

Here is a biblical pastor appreciation sermons.This is my favorite passage from the scripture that is a sermon in itself. May people have shared about which is the best sermon but let us believe in the bible. The best sermons is only found in the bible itself.

Look at the way Peter preached from the old testament and he believed on those words which are spirit and life. And let us not forget that God is watching over His word to do what He intended it to do. Therefore don't worry about what to do but pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be upon you as you deliver the pastor appreciation sermon.

Make sure you introduce the subject and greet the congregation and don't forget that the day is meant to appreciate your God and what He has done for us..

What a joy to deliver a powerful sermon like the one that is found below here.

church anniversary sermons -Guidelines

Start with a prayer first.

When you have finished delivering the sermon. You can close it by appealing to the congregation or the people who attended to give their lives to Jesus.

The bible says in Romans 10:19 that faith cometh by hearing of the preaching of Jesus Christ. And the best moments is to make a call so that many can believe on Christ as the bible says.

And if they confess that Jesus is the Lord and believe in their hearts that He was raised from the death then they will be saved as we read from the book of Romans 10:9-10.

Take your time to direct people to Christ so that they can make a decision.

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