prayer to dismiss church service

Looking for prayer to dismiss church service to help?

As you prepare for the Sunday or Saturday service a head of you and have been tasked with a section of prayer.

You are the one who is going to offer a prayer to dismiss the service or the congregation after a thrilling sermon.

Now you want help and that is why you are in our page.

We will help and below is the prayer guide sample to help you.

The wording might be different because it is the Holy Spirit that guides but the process is simple and easy to follow.

You can take the whole prayer and feel inspired to use your own words as the Lord leads you.

Let us now have the prayer to dismiss church service sample guide to assist you.

prayer to dismiss church service

Our heavenly Father,thank you for allowing us to be a live up this hour, we want to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus thanking you for your mercies and care that you have given us.

Thank you for leading us this far  since we started the service in the morning,thank you for the speakers that you have used to speak to us through out this day,we have been really blessed and moved closer to you.

As we disperse now and go back to our various homes and place, we want to thank you for the journey mercies and even as our guest leave and go back to their churches be with them, thank you Lord for being good to us, we depend on you for everything,guide and protect us in all that we do,for we have believed in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

Heavenly Father through the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for the wonderful service that we have had during this day, now it has come a time we want to disperse and each one of us go back home, we want to ask you for your divine protection and guidance to be with us,thank you for your faithfulness and you have promised that you will never leave nor forsake for we have prayed and believed in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

We hope the above sample prayers guide will help and guide you.

We want to thank you for visiting our page and we have more information for you and your church

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