thank you to church family

Looking for thank you to church family message to thank church members for what they did to you recently. 

Below have a look at the messages we have given you.

thank you to church family

On behalf of our Church pastor and the church board,receive greetings in Jesus name.

We are grateful for volunteering to give your hand in helping a house for the aged in the community. We know that were it not for the mercies that the Lord has given us the work would not have been accomplished.

As the leadership of the church, we want to say thank you for allowing the Lord to us you in a mighty way.


Greetings in Jesus name.

I hope you are doing well in the Lord. We thank God  that this letter finds you well.

On behalf of the church,  I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for the work you did recently in our church during our annual celebration.

We were so glad to see you volunteering to do the work we would  have paid million of dollars for a company to help us enter data and information during the day but God used you to do the work. As a church we appreciate a lot of what you did. 

Even though you didn't ask for payment,enclosed is a check with amount that the board sat and approved  for us to show appreciation, we loved your zeal for the work of God

thank you to church family


On behalf of myself and the family, I want to take this opportunity to greet you in Jesus name.

I'm very much humbled to take this precious moments to thank our heavenly Father for His mercies and love.

I'm also happy to write to you this letter to appreciate for the work you did during the burial of my Father, the role you played goes down to our hearts and we thank God for everything.

We want to ask you to keep praying for us as we gather strength so that we can rejoin you in the church soon to continue with the fellowship.

thank you to church family

We appreciate for visiting our site for help, hope the above messages has helped you to thank your church family members. We welcome you back again for more materials.

May God bless you and be with you always.

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