40th church anniversary speech

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40th church anniversary speech

Our church pastor, the first lady of the church, the church board members, the ministers of the gospel present, invited guests who have come to grace the occasion, my fellow church members.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, Maranatha

What a joy the Lord has given us as the church to mark 40 years of service. The service of grace that the Lord has given us.

We can remember our founders how they struggled to start this church. The pain that they underwent which is not easy but through the love of God they managed.

Their fruits of labor is what we are celebrating here today. Having the fully joy of the Lord that the good work that was begun in this place will continue forever to the eternity.

We are sure that before Jesus comes the second time the harvest that he said was ready we are all participating in it so that many can believe in the gospel of peace that brings salvation to all.

We are happy that the Lord who has promised never to leave or forsake us will always be with us to the very end of the world.

Brethren in the Lord we can all say thanks to the Lord for what He has done to our church.

The guests who are joining us for the first time. Let you know that the foundations of this church are based on the love of God and we are here to love one another because the Lord first loved us and provided a way for us to love each other.

Were it not for the Lord then we would all perished.

We want to extend this love to you now so that whenever you shall be fellowshipping after this you will always remember our church as the home of love.

Our pastor will tell you that all roads lead to this church every worship day.

Today is the day. We have lined up several activities that will help us share  this love of Jesus that we have been given freely.

I welcome you all to join us because these activities are meant to remind us, educate us and show us the way to the love of God that Jesus brought to us.

Before I close this welcoming speech because we have many other speakers who are going to speak to us today together with a special sermon from our invited minister who has traveled from far so that he can come and bring the message of hope.

Let me welcome our pastor so that he can invite other guests present .

Be blessed saints.


Attaining 40 years as a church is not an easy thing.

I'm sure many people who started some of them are gone and new members have joined.

what does this reminds us.

We need to do our best to leave the place different than we found it.

As you prepare to give this historic speech that highlights what the church has achieved so far.

Just remember that were it not for God the church would not have achieved what you have today.

Let the members and all those in attendance to know that importance of obeying our loving God who is in heaven.

Our center here is your partner,we want to make sure that the day is very successful.

We try to produce very high quality speeches for all occasions in your church.

Make sure many of your church members are aware of this center and let it help you have easier time and concentrate in feeding church members with the the word of God.

Let spiritual growth be your priority and us give you what to share during occasions in the church.

Look at the 40th church anniversary speech sample below here

40th church anniversary speech

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