church welcome greetings for programs

Looking for church welcome greetings for programs?

Below are sample greetings that you can use during a program in the church.

Welcome to our church_________________________(insert the name of your church here)

We very glad to have you in our church today,

Let us praise and give our God glory and honor for the opportunity He has granted to us to be here today as we share the christian love together during today's service.

Whether this is your first time to attend our church or you are a regular attendee,just feel at Jesus feet and know that the presence of the Lord is with us and the Holy Spirit is ministering to us.

We take this opportunity to welcome each and everyone of you to this place where lives are changed from one glory to another.

We hope our visitors will make this church your place where you seek the presence of the Lord on a regular basis.

Feel welcome and Jesus love you.

The church welcome greetings for programs differ from one location to another because of the culture of our nations.

I don't how you conduct your services but the greetings given here are mostly drawn from the bible which is timeless and can still help us to learn something despite our culture differences.

As you have already seen from the sample above the greetings appear general but we can help by helping you to come up with one that is aligned to your church and to the specific culture of your church.

Have a look at another example that we have given below here.

church welcome greetings for programs

Welcome to our church_________________________(Insert the name of your church here)

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!

We are very glad to have chose to come and worship with us today,we welcome you sincerely to our church that is called by the name of the Lord.

We here love visitors and know that when visitors come or visit they always come with much blessings,this we learn in the bible severally visitors once visited our forefathers and brought in blessings,

We want to thank the Lord for allowing us to congregate here to worship Him. It is greet honor to come to His presence as we learn of Him,

Visitors and our regular church members we want to welcome you in a special way to feel at Jesus feet and know that the love of God is with us always.

Stay blessed as we commence the activities of the day.

We hope you have enjoyed and learn how to write church welcome greetings for programs in an occasion in the church.

Our site specializes in writing church speeches for any occasion in the church. If you don't have time to write one you can contact us and we can assist you in writing a speech for any occasion.

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