easter speeches for children's church

Find the easter speeches for children's church in our pages below to help you towards the occasion that is ahead of you in the church, we have prepared the speeches and are ready to be downloaded

Speech 1: The Story of Easter

Good morning, beautiful children of God. Today, we are here to celebrate the joy of Easter. Easter, as many of you might know, is not just about the joy of candy-filled eggs and chocolate bunnies. It is about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified. He bravely bore all the pain out of his deep love for us all. But on the third day, a miracle happened. Our Savior rose again, defeating death and sin forever. This event, dear children, is what we celebrate as Easter.

This message of Easter is not just about the resurrection of Jesus, but it also signifies hope, love, and the promise of a new beginning. Just like when winter leaves and spring blossoms filling the world with flowers and life, Easter symbolizes a new beginning in our lives. It teaches us that after every difficulty, there is a victory waiting for us.

As we celebrate Easter today, let us remember to always spread love, just as Jesus Christ loved us. Let us remind ourselves to be kind-hearted to everyone we meet, to help those in need, to forgive those who have hurt us, and to always choose love above all else. For in the end, that's what Jesus taught us - to love each other as He has loved us.

Happy Easter, everyone! May the risen Christ shower his abundant blessings upon you all.

Speech 2: The Significance of Easter

A blessed Easter morning to all of you, my dear young friends.

On this joyful day, let's take a moment to understand why we gather here. Today is not just about the fun egg hunts and delightful chocolates, but it's a day that holds a much deeper meaning.

Many many years ago, on a day that is now known as Good Friday, Jesus Christ, our Savior, was crucified. He took upon himself the sins of the world, out of his immense love for us. His friends and followers were filled with sorrow, thinking they had lost him forever. But God had other plans.

On the third day, that is, on Easter Sunday, Jesus came back to life! This is what we are celebrating today - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What does this mean to us? It means that God's love for us is so great that he gave his only son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. It teaches us that there's always hope despite the hardships, that after death, there's resurrection and that darkness always leads to light.

Let's celebrate Easter with this understanding, let's imbibe these lessons into our lives. Remain hopeful, spread love, be a shining light to others and most importantly, trust and believe in God's divine plan!

Happy Easter, children of God. May the Lord guide you towards all that is good and beautiful.

Remember, Easter is not just a day but a season of joy and a lifetime of love. Carry the message of Easter in your hearts today and always.

easter speeches for children's church


easter speeches for children's church

easter speeches for children's church

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