Here is the sample welcome address for praise night that you can use during the upcoming event in your church to welcome participants
During the upcoming event in the church that you have been asked to do a welcome, you can get inspired on the type of welcome speech that you can give.
The occasion might be different but the concept is the same.
If you lack the wording that you can use then don't hesitate to contact us for help then we shall help you in writing one provided you furnish us with the relevant information for your event that is unique according to your church.
Just have a look at the sample speech that we have given below here and know how best we can do it for you
Brethren in Christ, I greet you through the might name of Jesus, good evening (Tov ereven)
What a joy to stand before you through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to welcome each and even one of you to our praise night that comes once a month according to our church calender.
I'm so happy from the bottom of my heart to see so many people coming to this wonderful praise night, a time to share love and connect to our maker.
Let me take this opportunity to thank our God who is in heaven for allowing us to be here to praise Him together, I want also to thank the organizers of this event for doing a wonderful job that we can all witness, because the programs are running smoothly as we can all see.
Before we start, I want to thank each one of you making it here.
I assure you that those who are joining us for the first time, that this event is a great event that you will never miss again.
It is a time when we praise and sing to the Lord for the whole night as we keep vigil through prayer.
You remember before the passover the children of Israel while in Egypt they kept vigil when the Lord instructed the angel to excute the mandate of the Lord.
This Spiritual event is very significant to us because, we are able to praise and sing together the way Paul and Silas prayed when they were taken to Jail until the chains came off.
We pray that any chain that the evil one has tied us to will come off during this praise night, so that we can be set free.
Without wasting time, let me invite the MC to continue with the program
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