16th church anniversary speech

Are you looking for 16th church anniversary speech?

Below is the specific speech that you can use during the anniversary day.

Below you will be able to download the anniversary speech for the upcoming 16th year since your inception, we have put together all the digital materials for an occasion in your church in one place for you to be able to download.

Just pay a small fee of $9.75 and get all at one place.


We believe that this is your first time you been tasked to prepare to deliver a speech in the occasion and are looking out for help on how to go about it.

we are here for you and have prepared all that you wanted to be ready for the occasion in  the church.

Below  we have the sample to give you the proper picture how a 16th church anniversary speech looks like.

16th church anniversary speech

I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ, good morning!

Let us  thank our loving God for allowing to celebrate the 16 years of service that we are marking today in our church.

We want to give Him honor and glory for allowing us to congregate here today to share this wonderful love of God.

Thank you to each and every one of you for finding time to come and join us in this day. May God bless you abundantly.

Welcome to our service and we have lined up several activities to help us commemorate this day.

Feel at Jesus feet and God love you.

We hope the above speech has helped and are now ready for the occasion.

If you have found that the one you needed need to have specific details then we have prepared a guidance manual that can help you to write one.

Our manual is a step by step process that takes you from brainstorming all the way to how you need to deliver the speech in church.

We have touched essential parts like how to do rehearsal and some other preparations.

It is a good manual if you have never done any speech and maybe you have some phobia or stage fright and don't know how people will react to you speech.

We have addressed that in the eBook, you can't miss to have it.

You can download the eBook instantly now by clicking this ,how to write and deliver s church speech.

The eBook covers all types of speech in the church and you don't have to worry of anything. All is catered for in that manual.

If you don't have time and maybe you are busy and just want help in writing the speech so that your work is just to deliver it,

Then we can help you once you contact us using the form below.

We shall write it using the information you send us and the details , we shall use it to write it for you and you will get it through email.

Here is the contact form you can use.

Otherwise we want to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

We are praying for you and may the love of God be with you until the day ends well.

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