25 year pastor anniversary

Looking for 25 year pastor anniversary ideas?.

I presume this is your first time have been tasked or asked to prepare and give a tribute during the 25 year occasion and are in this page looking for help.

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Looking back and thanking God for leading you this far. As a church you have something to thank the Lord.

You pastor has guided you for the last 25 years and is high time you say thank you in a wonderful way that will make your pastor happy and may be also look forward staying longer in your church.

What are some of the activities that you can do during this day to make it a wonderful one. Remember that the way you organize for it matters a lot.

Otherwise I'm sure you already have a clue of what you need to do to make this one stand out from the rest of the anniversaries that you have done or conducted before.

Some of the ideas that you can adopt during this anniversary are:

organize dinner for your pastor.

This idea is a good one if you decide to make this day a special one. You can start setting aside funds that you can use during this day and make it a special one.

You can make your pastor a ware or keep it as a secret. It is you to decide. Always remember that this it the 25 year celebration fro your pastor and you must prepare something that is in line with the number of years that your pastor has spent in your church as a show of appreciation.

25 year pastor anniversary

Buy him the latest model of the car in the market.

There is nothing that keeps the spirit of a person like a special gift. Since you are the people who keep the welfare of your pastor. It is good to make him happy. You can decide to buy him the latest model of the car in the market and surprise him during this day.

Let the member know that you are going to buy him the car. As a church I know everybody is going to be happy.

Make him as happy as you can

organize for a family get together outing and invite your pastor

This idea will help you if you want to bond as a family. You have seen many years go by and want to thank the Lord for the divine guidance for your church

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As you prepare for the upcoming 25th anniversary in your church, you can also shop for our templates to help you prepare for the occasion in church.

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