chairman speech in bible study

Here is the chairman speech in bible study that you can download to help you during the occasion in church, the speech is ready to be downloaded.

Good evening everyone,

I would like to extend an earnest welcome to each one of you today as we gather to study the precious Word of God. I am thankful for the presence of God in our midst, His love that binds us together as a community of believers, and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit that leads us in our understanding and application of His Word.

This Bible study is not just a ritual to be carried out. Rather, it is our sacred time – a kick start to anchor our souls in the divine wisdom that springs from the sacred scriptures. The scriptures say in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”

So, as we delve into the Word of God, let’s open our hearts and minds to what the Lord is saying. It may be a word of encouragement, a call to deeper commitment or perhaps a correction or challenge. Whatever it may be, let us be open to the Holy Spirit's leading.

Today's discussion will revolve around the theme of love. According to 1 John 4:8, "Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love." Let us unfold this deep divine message and apply its profound wisdom in our lives.

Let’s also remember that Bible study isn’t a competition for who knows most or who can say the most; it’s simply a hunger and thirst for righteousness. We are all students in the school of Christ, and the amazing thing about this school is that graduation day is when we pass from this world into the arms of Jesus.

Now shall we quieten our hearts, cast our distractions aside, and let the peace of God fill this gathering? Let's invite the Holy Spirit to educate and inspire us, and guide us into all truths.

Thank you, everyone, for your active participation. May our time together be blessed, and may we grow through the revelation and application of His Word.

God bless you all.


chairman speech in bible study

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chairman speech in bible study

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