church graduation speech

Looking for church graduation speech to download and use it during the upcoming event in church? Below here we have prepared one for you to download.

You can be able now to download the graduation speech that we have prepared for you down here that is in a digital format that is easy to download.

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Church graduation speech

We hope you have managed to download the above speech that we have prepared for you that is in PDF and if you have not, then go back and click the buy button and you will instantly receive the material so that can save to use in the occasion that is a head of you.


The speech template you will download might not carry the exact word you wanted but we have tried to bring it nearer to the atmosphere, if you wanted somethings included , don't fail to reach us so that can write it exactly as you want.

Below here you will have a glimpse of the speeches you are looking for and you can make a decision to download one of them.

church graduation speech

Greetings in Jesus name

I'm humbled to stand before you through the mercies of our Lord Jesus, thank you chairman for giving me this opportunity to welcome our brethren today.

Let me take this precious moment to thank God for the love He has for each and every one of us and thank you all for finding time to come and give an helping hand as we do the graduation ceremony for our brethren.

Those who have done the exercise before know how nervous one can be, I want to ask to pray for the candidates who are sited here today 

Whatever you hand has been blessed to give, just be assured that our heavenly Father will always bless it and multiply for His own glory.

As we start this exercise, I want to ask brother ________ who is n charge of the program to come in front so that he can take over the program and continue from there so that we can save time since majority of us are busy and need to go back to do other activities that we left standing so that can come and join our brothers and sisters in finding a shade that we can be worshiping as we as having a fellowship together.

church graduation speech

I greet you in the name of Jesus,

What a joy in my heart and in our hearts in general as a church for this wonderful occasion happening this day,we have prayed and waited for this day to come and finally it is here with us.

As we dedicate this church to the service of God today let us remember to praise God for everything.

I hope my eyes are seeing well, I can't imagine the number of people who have come to attend this occasion, in one accord I want to say thank you all,this is a show of love you have for our church and the community at large.

I also thank guests and visitors who found time from those busy schedule to come and witness this life time event in our church.

This a great moment when we gather together to catch up with an achievement, we are grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for this moment, were it not for His grace we would not have had this time.

As share the love of God, it is our prayer that  we continue with the same spirit and may our good Lord guide  those who are graduating today from this place.

church graduation speech

bible school graduation speech

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