church youth harvest opening speech 

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Pastor, Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Church Executive Committee, and my fellow youth,

Good day!

As the Youth leader of our beloved congregation, I am excited and honored to stand before you all today to officially open the annual Church Youth Harvest event. This is not only an event inscribed on the calendar, but a spectacular moment that enjoys a special place in all of our hearts.

Today, we gather not just as members of the church, but as a family, celebrating the bounty and love that the Lord has continually bestowed upon us. And as we thank Him for the harvest He has provided, let us also remember to extend our hands of generosity to our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. The Lord loves a cheerful giver!

There is an apt scripture in the Bible in Galatians 6:9; "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." This verse serves to remind us that our efforts, our dedication, and our persistence in the ways of the Lord are never in vain. Therefore, as we celebrate this harvest, let us also reflect on our spiritual harvest and continue steadfastly in our quest to sow love, peace, righteousness for His Kingdom.

The Bible also teaches us in Proverbs 22:6; "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." As the youth, we are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but we have a responsibility today; to uphold the virtues of Christianity, to impact our generation and to continue the legacy of our forefathers in the faith.

Our theme for this year’s harvest is "Christ In Us, The Hope of Glory." It affirms us of the abundant life in Christ Jesus and to keep hoping in Him regardless of the challenges we may face because, in Christ, we have victory.

This event has been carefully planned, with exciting activities to foster a sense of unity and participation. As we engage in these activities, let’s not forget the core essence of today's event, which is to celebrate God's blessings.

The celebration today is meaningless if we do not thank the Lord for His hand of provision, protection, and preservation over our lives, our families, our church and over the community as a whole.

As we go through the day's activities, I encourage each one of us to reflect on God's love and take this opportunity to sow seeds of love and generosity in our hearts and in the hearts of others, to give out of the abundance of our harvest not grudgingly, but out of love just as Christ gave His life for us. For the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

May today serve to strengthen our bonds as a church community, uplift our hearts, and remind us of the great harvest we have in Christ.

Thank you, and may this annual church youth harvest lead to a bountiful harvest of blessings for each and every one of us.

God bless you all!

church youth harvest opening speech


church youth harvest opening speech

church youth harvest opening speech

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