welcome speech for christmas concert for children

Here is welcome speech for christmas concert for children that you can get from our pages below here that can help towards the Christmas event you are going to have in church, the welcome speech is ready.

Good evening and a warm welcome to one and all present here.

I am delighted to invite each one of you to this magical evening, an evening filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of Christmas. We are here to celebrate the annual Christmas concert organized by our little champions, performers who might be small in size but are definitely giant in their talents.

Christmas is indeed a season of joy, a season of gifting, a season of sharing and spreading love. What truly makes this season special are the carols that fill the air with warmth and happiness. So tonight, our little performers have prepared a delightful musical treat for everyone, filled with traditional Christmas songs, heartwarming skits, and enchanting dance performances.

Before we commence the concert, let’s remember the reason for the season. Christmas is not only about the beautifully decorated Christmas trees or the attractively wrapped gifts but is about the birth of Jesus Christ, His message of peace, love, and joy. Let's embrace these values in our day-to-day life.

On this cheerful occasion, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the parents who’ve put in their valuable time and efforts to help their children prepare for their performances. And a special thanks to our diligent team of teachers who have worked tirelessly, putting together this magical evening for us all to enjoy.

So without further ado, let's soak in the thrills of this festive season, revel in the performances curated by our tiny talents, and allow the magic of Christmas to take over. Sit back, relax and enjoy as we take you on a joyful and unforgettable journey this evening!

Once again, a warm welcome, Merry Christmas to all of you and may the spirit of Christmas fill your lives with happiness, joy, and prosperity. Let the Christmas concert commence!

Thank you.

welcome speech for christmas concert for children

Christmas script

welcome speech for christmas concert for children

welcome speech for christmas concert for children

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