welcome speech for easter program

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening! I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you on this radiant evening as we gather here to celebrate the joyous occasion of Easter. It is indeed a jubilant day which symbolizes hope, rebirth and the triumph of life over death.

As we welcome spring, and as flowers bloom, let's not forget the central message of Easter - a message of love, hope and resurrection. Today is the day to commemorate not just the resurrection of Christ from the dead, but also to remember and celebrate the endless possibilities of change, new beginnings, and miracles in our own lives.

Our Easter program has been thoughtfully conceived to celebrate and reflect on these messages. We have planned for you an eve full of prayer, music, and communal togetherness. It promises to be not just entertaining but also enlightening, an occasion to awaken our spiritual selves and embrace the graces this blessed feast bestows upon us.

Throughout this evening, we invite you to come together as a community to sing, pray, reflect and most importantly, to rejoice. For Easter is not just an event, it is a feeling of inner peace, a reminder of our duty towards others, an encouragement to love unconditionally, and also, a beacon of hope for new beginnings.

Before we kickstart the events of the evening, let's bow our heads in prayer for the good health, peace, and prosperity of the world, and to thank the Lord for the countless blessings, he showers upon us. As we celebrate the rising of Christ today, let's make sure that we also rise above hatred, and greed, and open our hearts to love and generosity.

We are grateful you could join us in our joyous celebration tonight. It is your presence that makes this evening complete and special. May you all feel the hope of new beginnings, love, and happiness during this joyful Easter holiday.

Let's come together to bask in the joyous spirit of Easter. Thank you and enjoy the program. Happy Easter, everyone!

welcome speech for easter program


welcome speech for easter program

welcome speech for easter program

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