church anniversary opening prayer

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We have prepared an opening prayer for you below here that you can download, you only pay an access fee of $9.75 and you will get a resource page that has occasional materials including the opening prayer you are looking,click the PayPal button below and pay then you will get the page instantly.


Our page will address what you want and shall help you on how make good opening prayer for the church anniversary

We know how busy you are and we have saved you that time you need most to do what you love in life.

We have created a special page for you that you can download an opening prayer instantly without much struggle.

The page is here. welcome to church

The much you can spend is 1 minute to print it and have it in your hand.

The download is modifiable and you can insert the name of your church and own it immediately.

We are experts in writing church materials that helps the church of God to be ahead of others.

But if you have more time you can have a look at the free sample prayers below here and see what you expect to download from our special page

The church anniversary opening prayer

 church anniversary opening prayer

 that you can adopt as a church as you celebrate your anniversary

it doesn't matter which anniversary you are celebrating. You can be marking the 1 anniversary or the second and so on.

our heavenly father who is in heaven, we thank you through Jesus Christ for the blessings of this day and for allowing us to call upon your name. We praise you and glorify you for your love. Father thank you once again for the gift of life and for the privilege of calling upon your name. Thank you lord for the grace. As we mark this anniversary we want to praise you for enabling us to see this moment and we look forward to start the celebration we want to thank you in a mighty way. We all pray and believe in Jesus name. Amen

you can choose to read the prayer as the rest of the members join you or just pray and the rest will agree in the Amen section.

One day the disciples came to Jesus and did the following.One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

He said to them, “When you pray, say:

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
 for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation.

how we pray currently is drawn from the example given above and it is the best example that was ever given by Jesus Christ on how to pray.Therefore you can adapt it and make it your own as you make an opening prayer during this anniversary.

church anniversary opening prayer

church anniversary opening prayer

church anniversary opening prayer

When you offer the church anniversary prayer. Remember the Holy Spirit of God is guiding.

You can pray this prayer.

Our heavenly father,King of Kings through the name of Jesus Christ

We are privileged to be here today as a church and we want to glorify

and praise your name because you are our God

As we start the celebrations of today to mark this anniversary in our church. We want to thank you for your guidance and help that is coming to us through Jesus Christ.

May your will in Jesus Christ be upon us for we ask in the name of Jesus Christ.


opening prayer for church anniversary

opening prayer for church anniversary

Here is an opening prayer to give during the church anniversary celebration.

Our dear loving father

Thank you in a special way for the provision of time

thank you for the love and thank you for the grace

thank you for enabling us to see this anniversary and as we start the programme of the day.

we want to thank you for the Holy Spirit that is guiding us today

and may thy will continue being manifested today and forever


church homecoming poems

prayer for pastor

church anniversary opening prayer

church anniversary opening prayer

Our dear and loving Father who is in heaven,
We want to thank you for this beautiful morning you have granted us to see this day that we have never seen in our lives.
It is a great privilege to have see this day and we give you glory and honor,
We want to thank you for the visitors who have traveled from far and wide to come and join us in our church for this anniversary we are having,
May you bless their homes and keep on providing their needs as you meet them at their point of need.
May the angels ministers to us as you bind us with cords of love that can never be broken.
Thank you for hearing us and answering our prayers in Jesus name.

church anniversary opening prayer

Our everlasting Father who is in heaven,

What a gracious morning that you have given us,

To gather here and bring glory unto you,

We want to thank you in a special way for the tender care granted to us,

You have kept safe until we have met in this manner,

We have joy in our hearts because you are a loving God,

As you we start this commemoration of our church,

We want to remember your goodness and faithfulness granted to us as a church,

Lord of Lords may you continue revealing yourself to us,

Your mercies are upon and thank you God.

As we start this service of today, we invite the Holy spirit to abide with us

And may you guide and protect us until we finish,

Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers for we pray

And trusting in the name of our Lord Jesus,


church anniversary opening prayer

Our Lord who is in heaven,
Thank you for the opportunity you have given us this morning as a church,
We are here to worship and glorify you Lord,
what a joy in our hearts that you have granted us,
As we begin this service of the day
Honor and glory be unto you,
You have brought us from near and far so that we can have a fellowship as we start this event,
The event that is very important in our church,
As we remember the far you have brought us,
We thank you our God,
May all this happen through the name of Jesus you have given us,

church anniversary opening prayer

Our loving Father who is in heaven, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to see this special occasion in our church as we mark this year anniversary,

Thank you for  your love and care, we give you honor and glory for the provision that you have granted us to congregate here and share the love the you have given us.

You gave us authority to represent you on earth and want to take this chance to say thank you for everything,

Thank you for the programs that is ahead of us and the visitors and facilitators that you have sent to us.

Be with us as we begin and may you Holy Spirit guide us from now until we finish for we ask and believe in the name of our Lord Jesus.


specific opening church prayers according to years

We hope the above samples have really helped you.

Let me wish you all the best as you celebrate the anniversary in your church.

church anniversary opening prayer

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