church musician appreciation poems

Looking for  church musician appreciation poems? Here are the original poems written by a pastor that you can use to share with your members in the church.

Let me take this chance

To say thank you pastor

Thank you and thank you always

You are indeed anointed for the work

Of the Lord


An instrument the Lord

Is using to spread the gospel

I always admire your readiness

You were indeed called for the work


You are one of the few laborers

Who are ready in the Lord’s vineyard

Because the harvest is ready

And the Lord is asking

Whom shall I send?


I’m happy that you hearkened to the call

To be used by the Lord

You are a co-worker with the Lord

And with others

You will spread the gospel


We all can recall

Two thousand years ago

When the Lord was walking here

On earth as a human being

He walked from one place to another

Doing good that the father sends him to do


He healed the sick, he set the captive free

He raised the death

He opened eyes that were closed

He made the lame to walk

And he gave us the command

Freely you have received and freely give

What a joy we have in the Lord


Many people heard Him preaching

And many believed in Him

And he commanded us

Go ye unto the world and make the disciples

In my name


I want to say thank you pastor

For being one of them who hearkened to the command

And together with others

You are making disciples for the Lord

We want to thank God for that


We praise the Lord always

For His wonderful love

That is flowing through us to others

And we all know that God is love


He is always impressed with our faith

For without faith it is not possible

To please God.

I want to wish you happy and great moments

As you do the work that the Lord gave you

church musician appreciation poems

As you celebrate the appreciation day in the church,

During this occasion we remember the role of music in the church and how the musicians in the church have played a big role.

Singing is a form of worship for those who have understood and know too.

Sing to the Lord the song of Moses and the lamb,
The lamb that was slain since the foundation of the world,
To redeem us who believe in the works of the Lord,
We sing unto the Lord a song of redemption,

We shout out with joy because God is good to us,
We dance because God has shown His love to us,
We rejoice because God is love to us,
A song of praises we give to God always

May all the creatures from all over the world sing unto God,
He always cares for us because He is our God,
We congregate to thank God for the songs given in the nights,
We hearken to His voice when the Lord asks,
Where is anyone who asks for a song in the night,

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