ordination anniversary wishes messages

Looking for ordination anniversary wishes messages that you can share to someone in church who is marking the ordination anniversary

As you look forward to the anniversary celebration in church for you pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Deacon or Deaconess.

Our site and page will walk with you in this journey to make sure you have a literary material for the event or the celebration.

We thank you for visiting our page and we have prepared samples that you can have a look at. If you want a customized material to us, don't hesitate to contact us, we are ready to prepare one for you that you can use during the upcoming anniversary celebrations in church soon.

ordination anniversary wishes messages

As you make this special occasion in your life, I want to join the rest of the church members in wishing you God's blessing as you keep trusting Him for provisions and care for your life, Let this verse in Psalms chapter 27: 1 be a comfort and a place you go when you feel overwhelmed with much work in church, I want to thank God for giving me a man of God like you and let His grace dwell in our hearts as we hope and trust in Him forever, happy ordination anniversary, God loves you very much.

Today we are finishing another year, since you were ordained to the ministry, I remember very well like it was yesterday but when I looked at the calendar I discovered that today is 20 years that have elapsed since you were consecrated to the ministry, am joyous in my heart because the God of love has kept you in perfect peace and led you through green pastures as you lead the people that He has place in your hands, we can only say that were it not for Him, where would we be today, we thank Him for the mercies and care He has granted and we know He will always guide and protect us forever, as you celebrate today, let it be a reminder that you have many years of service as you move from one glory to another, happy ordination anniversary and God bless you always.

I know our God is good and that is why He has granted us this opportunity to celebrate your ordination anniversary that is being marked today, we know that God has been good to us and faithful to His promises, when you were ordained as a deacon you didn't know what lied ahead of you and it is only God who knew what the calling was, today you can look back and thank Him for guiding you so far, let me say happy ordination anniversary with much blessings.

ordination anniversary wishes messages

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