welcome speech for usher anniversary

welcome speech for usher anniversary -This just a sample speech that you can customize and give to the invited guests and members of your church.

We presume this is your first time that you have been asked to prepare and give a speech during the occasion.

You can have a look at examples that we have prepare for you below here..

Sample 1 of the speech

First giving honor to our heavenly God who is the head of all our lives and who loves us always;

to the mistress of ceremony, pastor, federation of ushers, and the congregation.

John 21:17 states "The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.
." Now we are continuing that commission of feeding the flock through smiling

Today I want to thank you very much for your coming,

we have always looked forward to this day and want to thank God for enabling us to see this day once again.

welcome speech for usher anniversary

Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus!

I'm humbled and honored to stand before you this morning as I welcome you all as we join together to celebrate this year anniversary.

Let me thank our heavenly Father for the grace upon our lives which has enabled to congregate in such a manner.

We want to thank our Lord for the gifts that He has granted to each and every one of us which makes us to take the word to the world.

As we mark the milestone achieved by our Usher in this church, we can all remember the goodness of the Lord and also for being faithful in that we have seen His hand through the Ushers of our church.

God has used them mightily and we are able to grow from one glory to another.

Let we welcome you to join us as we share this program and may the will of God be done during this day,so that we come to its conclusion can also say.

Thank you Lord.

Feel welcome and God loves you

welcome speech for usher anniversary

Good-morning people of God,

What a joy this morning that the Lord has given,

Let me extend a warm welcome to each and every one you for finding time to come for this great service in our church,

Today is a special occasion in our church,

We are celebrating the day of service,

It is the usher anniversary and we want to thank the Lord for being faithful to us

Were it not for the Lord we would not have seen this day,

Let us in our accord remember how the goodness of the Lord has been to us as individuals and also as a church,

We want to celebrate these mercies of the Lord by saying thank you to our loving God

We know that God has got so much in store for us and as we share together during this occasion

We can remind ourselves that without God we can do nothing,

Feel at Jesus feet and be welcome to our services of today.

Stay blessed.

welcome speech for usher anniversary

Good-morning everyone!

We are glad this morning to be here through the love of God given to us by Jesus our Lord,

We want to give our God glory and honor, for the wonderful mercies accorded to us,

God be praised for His love never fails,

We have gathered here with a purpose as church because the occasion that we have here today,

We have looked forward to this and now the day is here with us,

We are celebrating an even in our church that shows the goodness of our Lord to us,

As we commence the services of the day,

We want to invite the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the will of God today,

Feel welcome everybody and may the Love of God be with you to the end,

Be blessed and let the activities begin now through the power of the mighty name of Jesus.

Sample 2 of the speech

let me take this opportunity to thank our loving Lord

for making us meet in this manner

all of us have always looked forward to this day

I want to call this day smiling day because that is the work we do

we always smile to you when you come in and we guide you to the next empty

space for you to sit

we are glad that today you have all come to appreciate our work

and may the almighty God's blessings follow you forever in all that you do

thank you and be blessed always.

Since ushering means escorting members of your church to find seat. It is definitely a noble work which has a call from the Lord.

We all know that Jesus set the best examples when he called the 12 disciples and commissioned them to do the same.

From that time up today we have been doing that work indirectly or directly.

It is a work that we all need to be proud of.And be ready to serve the Lord through it.

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welcome speech for usher anniversary

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