Acknowledgement and thanks for church conference

Here are the acknowledgement and thanks for church conference you can use for the occasion.

You have been requested or asked to do acknowledgement or give vote of thanks after the conference in church.

Maybe this is your first time and don't know where to begin or how to go about it.

This is how you will give the acknowledgments biblically.

Below is a simple that can guide and help you prepare for the occasion but you need to remember that this is just a sample that can show you how to write. You are going to get inspiration of what you are expected to give 

acknowledgement and thanks for church conference

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!

what a joy to stand before you at this particular time,first to thank our Lord for allowing us to be here today and also to thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and share the love of God with us in this conference.

Since we came here we have seen the hand of God leading us and guiding all through. We have been really blessed with great and enriching messages from the speakers whom God has sent to us.

Let me also thank everyone of you for making it possible that this conference succeeded,our prayers and contribution is highly acknowledged.

We pray that as you leave and go back to your various destinations,let the love of God and His grace be upon you always until we meet another time.

Thank you and God bless you

I hope the above sample has helped you.

It is a general example that can give you a clue and inspiration to be able to write one.

I also understand that your church or ministry has got a theme that you have been using during the conference and would love to mention it as you give vote of thanks in the conference.

In that case,I can assist you to insert it.

Even if you have a way in which you want to acknowledgement be written, Me and my team we are here to help you.

What you need to do is to fill the contact form below here and send the details to us. We always take like two or three days to write it for you.

Therefore the early you inform us the better.

Use this contact form to reach us.

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

I take the earliest opportunity to with you all the best as you prepare for the occasion.

May the love of God be upon you and may you be filled with the Holy spirit as you speak.

The Lord is with you.

Stay blessed.

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