church youth day welcome address

Looking for church youth day welcome address to help you prepare for the occasion in church? we have one for you in our page below here

Find the youth welcome speech below here

church youth day welcome address

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus!

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love shown to us and the grace that has enabled us to congregate here today to as we celebrate the youth of our church during this day,

Have taken this opportunity as their president to welcome each and everyone of you who have found time to be here today, Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence, for without you this day would not have had any meaning as anticipated,

We thank God for providing you with love and time so that you managed to be here to see and witness with us as we celebrate this occasional day that is held once in a year,

On behalf of the youth body,we have lined up several activities that is aligned with the the theme we managed to come up with this year which enables us to develop our faith,

We thank our heavenly Father because He has been faithful to us and His mercies is always with us,

We have several speakers who are going to speak, let me cut short my speech so that the next speaker in the program might also speak,

stay blessed us we share the love of God in a special way.

Thank you and God bless you.

church youth day welcome address

New youth president welcome speech

Greetings in Jesus name

I'm humbled through the mercies of God to stand here today as I do this first welcome as your new president.

I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to serve you ad your president, I know many of you have been praying for me and I want to thank God for the grace that is sufficient.

Let me welcome each and every one of you to the meeting of today and I thank God for everything.

As we begin, let the love of God be with us all through until we finish. Be blessed and God love us as all.

church youth day welcome address

May God bless you as you celebrate the youth day in church.

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