pastor appreciation quotes

Looking for pastor appreciation quotes to share with your pastor during this appreciation day in church. Look no further, we have great quotes in our page below here.

Below are some quotes to have a look at.

pastor appreciation quotes

Receive Calvary greetings 

We are humbled through the mercies of God to join the rest of the church  members in wishing our church pastor a goodwill message as we attain 20 years of service to the Lord, we appreciate a lot the good work he is doing to our church. It has been a long journey but we want thank God for the far that He has brought our church. We look forward to more years full of His goodness as we share the love that He has given us through Jesus Christ.

Be blessed church members 

Goodwill to our church pastor

Let me take this opportunity to join the rest of the church members as we wish the church pastor much blessings during this occasion that all have been waiting for, the pastor appreciation day, we want to thank God for His love and care. His goodness has led us this far, we shall always trust and wait upon Him to guide and move us to greater heights. All the best to church members and the church administration at large. Me and my family we are praying for you.

God bless you as you and appreciate you pastor a lot.

It has been a long tedious journey which needed determination and commitment but as Christians we know where our help comes from. I want to echo the book of Psalms 121:1-2..I lift up my eyes to the hills.From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,who made heaven and earth.

pastor appreciation quotes

Greetings in Jesus name..

I'm humbled through the mercies of God to send this best wishes as you get ordained today, as a family we are happy to be associated to you, our friendship has come of age and want to thank God for that, May God give you strenght and courage to serve the people He has placed in your way, we pray for wisdom and knowledge to always lead you everywhere you go. All the best in your ordination today.

pastor appreciation quotes

Let me take this precious moment to wish you happy life as you serve us in the vineyard of the Lord.

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