welcoming remarks for church

Are you looking for welcoming remarks for church occasion ?

We know it is not easy to give an impromptu remarks more so when you are not prepared.

Our work is to make sure you are ready at all times.

No matter where you are,anytime you need us we are available to help you.

Do you need any welcoming remarks for the church?

We can sort you out.

Let us show you some samples that we have prepared for you so that you can know that we can do a nice job.

As you look at the samples have it in mind that they are just samples to give you a clue that we can prepare you good and wonderful welcoming remarks to use in your church.

Have a look at the welcoming remarks for church samples

welcoming remarks for church from a host pastor

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

It is a great honor to stand before you as I welcome each and every one of you to Maranatha Church, a church of your choice.

We are a bible based Jesus and we have Jesus as the Lord and savior of our lives.

I take this opportunity to welcome new visitors who are joining us for the first time to feel at Jesus feet and want to tell you that we appreciate for your coming and may our Lord in heaven bless you abundantly.

As Maranatha Church we thank you and welcome you again.

To the rest of the congregation,today is a wonderful day and our sermon is coming from the book Jeremiah and will be delivered by Deacon John.

Stay blessed as we listen the word of God.

welcoming remarks for church from an elder

Good news brethren,

I feel humbled today as I do this welcoming and thank God for the wonderful opportunity accorded to me this day.

I take this precious moments to welcome each and every one of you to precious stone ministry,a ministry that loves all people.

We feel privileged to host a lot of visit who are in our midst and let take this time to ask them to stand.

Feel at Jesus feet as you worship with us. we also have a gift for you,just remain behind as other are leaving home after the sermon.

To the congregation today is a special day and God has sent to us a visitor who is coming all the way from Africa to come and minister to us. I want to humbly as you to accord Reverend James maximum cooperation because he has a wonderful message to share with.

Otherwise feel at Jesus feet as we worship together during this day.

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