church harvest day occasion

In this page you will find assistance for the church harvest day occasion.

We have a ready to use occasion that we have put together in a page for you to download and use immediately. For you to get the speech and many other occasional materials,pay an access fee of only $9.75 and you have a page full of occasional materials.

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We have made it possible that now you can get any speech for the harvest occasion.

Even if this is your first time, we are going to help you get ready for the occasion.

Down here in this page we have samples that serves as a guide on what you expect to deliver during the occasion.

If you don't have time and want to download a speech then visit this page and shall get several ready to use speeches that are theme based.

church harvest day occasion speech sample

Friends in Christ I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

I feel honored and privileged to stand before you as I welcome you today to this special occasion in our church.

It is a day we celebrate the wonders of the Lord.

God has used each and every one of us to labor in His vineyard and now we have come together to thank Him and praise Him for His goodness.

Your prayers and contribution has gone ahead to make sure the work of the Lord has progressed and we can only say thank you to the Lord.

We can only say thank you to our Lord for the milestone accomplished today, It is has been a long journey but we are grateful to our Lord for leading us this far.

Let me also thank each and every one of for the one that you have allowed the Lord to do through you.

Nobody ever imagined that we shall come to an end to the program, we can only thank the Lord for His goodness, as we look forward to another harvest in the coming season may the good Lord be with you and may the Holy Spirit continue to use you and show you what is the will of God in life.

I want to thank each and every one of you for finding time to be here today and God be with you always.

During this harvest period that happens a time like, we always look back and see that what we have today is because of the Lord and shall be grateful to Him forever.

All that the Lord has blessed us with belongs to Him and we are only stewards and can only be accountable to Him during the end time.

We are here only courtesy of Him and it is through His grace we can say that our God is merciful and His grace is sufficient.

God bless you always.

harvest speech in church

Giving thanks to our Almighty and for the abundance blessings has been our tradition in the  Church and we are grateful to our God for leading us this far and making us to be successful in every area of our lives.

As we mark the end of the harvest and start another year of year, we want to pray to the Lord of harvest to guide and shower us with the spirit to lead us to greater heights in the coming year.

As we celebrate in our parishes,mass centers and out stations, may the good Lord be upon each and every one of us

Peace be upon you

occasion speech harvest day program

annual harvest thanksgiving speech 

During the month of September and October is harvest and is the time we bring to the Lord what He has blessed us with and that has passed through our hands.

Harvest welcome address

church welcomes harvest day program

welcome speech church harvest

harvest and bazaar chairman speech

harvest day welcome speech

welcome speech to harvest thanksgiving

I hope the above sample has given you a true picture and now you get get prepare for the occasion.

Let me take this time to wish you all the best as you prepare and get ready for the occasion.

I'm praying for you and may the will and the grace of God be seen during the day.

Otherwise you are welcome again to my page.

God bless you and stay in the Lord always

chairman welcome speech for church harvest 

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