pastors 4th anniversary poems

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We know that your church is about to celebrate the 4th anniversary of your pastor since he joined the church.

What a better way to show appreciation a part from organizing and planning properly.

We here have already prepared all that you need so that your work can be easier and you save that much time you need to have other things that matters in life.

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Like now find the anniversary poem you are looking for the pastor below here.

pastors 4th anniversary poems

pastors 4th anniversary poems

As we mark the 4th anniversary today in our church,
we want to thank God for allowing us to see this day once more,
What a joy in our hearts as a church to congregate here today,
It is God who has allowed us to be here today,

During this anniversary we want to remember God's love to us,
Our Father God has been good to us,
His mercies endures forever,
No one can complain because we have had and tasted the love,

As we celebrate together today the achievement of church,
We cannot fail to recognize that it was our pastor who through the grace of God
has been instrumental in making sure we are moving forward
Since he joined us four years ago,we have witnessed what the Lord has done to us,

The wisdom of pastor that God has given him has really helped the church,
We know that also as we embark on ward moving,
We are going to see more things and work that we have never witnessed in this church,
Our pastor has got special anointing from the Lord,
May he live more years to see marvelous work that the Lord will do through him

Adapted from the book of Isaiah 26

Lord, you establish peace for us;

    all that we have accomplished you have done for us.
Lord our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us,
    but your name alone do we honor.
 They are now dead, they live no more;
    their spirits do not rise.
You punished them and brought them to ruin;
    you wiped out all memory of them.
 You have enlarged the nation, Lord;
    you have enlarged the nation.
You have gained glory for yourself;
    you have extended all the borders of the land.

 Lord, they came to you in their distress;
    when you disciplined them,
    they could barely whisper a prayer.
 As a pregnant woman about to give birth
    writhes and cries out in her pain,
    so were we in your presence, Lord.
 We were with child, we writhed in labor,
    but we gave birth to wind.
We have not brought salvation to the earth,
    and the people of the world have not come to life.

The following pastors 4th anniversary poems are chosen specifically to suit the day of celebration.

As the day draws near there is a lot that you can do and one of the things on the to do list is the anniversary cards.

Here is another poem for the anniversary

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