poem for church

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poem for church

When Jesus ascended to heaven

He left the church with mandate

To continue the work he was doing

While present phyisically in the world

We are happy to be part of the mission of Christ,


He prayed to the father in the book of john

And uttered words that have guided the church

Up to today,

Jesus said in the world there will be persecution

The church will be persecuted but prayed that the father may

Keep the church save under the protection


Before jesus ascended to heaven,

He said that he got authority over everything

And that authority he is giving the church,

Through his name we have power over the power of the name

As a church we carry the name of jesus whenever we go

And we are protected,


As a church Jesus is the head

He is the bridegroom and the church the bride

He is washing us with the word and cleansing us from all unrighteous

He being the lord and the leader we know we shall never be wrong,

Always rejoice in your heart because Jesus is the high priest

Anyone who is in him is a new creature,

The old is gone and everything is new,

Let us live with confidence because Jesus has finished all

He is the alpha and omega in the church,

He is the author and finisher of our faith

Let us enter into the courts of heaven with thanksgiving in our heart

Jesus conquered it all,

Receive him with faith

So that he can dwell in your heart today,


When you are discouraged

Just know that the savior lives

And encourage yourself in the Lord always

You are part of the group that was saved,

Today is your day,

Let us rejoice in the Lord always

Because we have won in him

poem for church

The above poem is added advantage to the site because our major area is church welcome speeches.

we saw it better to also compose church poems to accompany the church speeches because we there was a need from among the church members who visit this site.

We trust that you are among the group.

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